Marc Feeley
2009-05-02 18:45:38 UTC
[Apologies if you get duplicates of this message.]
As members of the newly elected Scheme Language Steering
Committee, we thank all who voted for expressing their
continuing interest and involvement [1].
We have decided to expand the Scheme Language Steering
Committee from 3 to 5 members.
Using the results of the election just held, we are
adding Olin Shivers and Chris Hanson to the committee.
Olin and Chris have agreed to serve, and are already
serving ex officio.
Before we can add Olin and Chris as official members of
the committee, we will have to amend the charter [2,3].
We are also considering other changes to the charter,
such as removing or modifying the prohibition against
members of the steering committee serving as editors,
removing the R6RS-specific goals, and changing other
details of the process.
We are looking into various mechanisms for keeping the
Scheme community informed of our progress and involved
in the process. We hope to announce the details in the
coming weeks.
Will Clinger
Marc Feeley
Chris Hanson (ex officio)
Jonathan Rees
Olin Shivers (ex officio)
As members of the newly elected Scheme Language Steering
Committee, we thank all who voted for expressing their
continuing interest and involvement [1].
We have decided to expand the Scheme Language Steering
Committee from 3 to 5 members.
Using the results of the election just held, we are
adding Olin Shivers and Chris Hanson to the committee.
Olin and Chris have agreed to serve, and are already
serving ex officio.
Before we can add Olin and Chris as official members of
the committee, we will have to amend the charter [2,3].
We are also considering other changes to the charter,
such as removing or modifying the prohibition against
members of the steering committee serving as editors,
removing the R6RS-specific goals, and changing other
details of the process.
We are looking into various mechanisms for keeping the
Scheme community informed of our progress and involved
in the process. We hope to announce the details in the
coming weeks.
Will Clinger
Marc Feeley
Chris Hanson (ex officio)
Jonathan Rees
Olin Shivers (ex officio)