[Larceny-users] Screaming On Scheme - Powered By Larceny
Ray Racine
2008-05-25 22:30:39 UTC
The following is so Pre-Alpha it precedes reeds on clay tablets. But it

(((((((((((((POWERED BY LARCENY))))))))))))))

Ray Racine
2008-05-26 13:56:00 UTC
has character-set issues. And believe me, I sysmpathize. Been there
done, that, and ripped the T-shirt to shreds in frustration...
I have a whole raft of issues to wrestle and certainly the character
problem is one of the larger concerns.

After starting from, "lets see, first I need to get the threading going,
and then flesh out more socket stuff, port over the SXML stuff, going to
need some basic HTTP support, oh and lets do a web framework thingy and
throw together a tiny webserver, and ah yes going to need some
AWS,EC2,S3 integration" ... all in my spare time ... when I ACTUALLY
managed sit down and get a page or two put together I just had to
share :).

All the core code anyone would need to use Larceny to power a website
should be in the public RL3 project and is free for use.

Still lots of cleanup to do, macros to be written. But here is an
example of a simple helloworld site.


(import (rl3 benchmarks helloworldsite))

should start it up on localhost:8080.
Otherwise it's quite cool. Amazon has way too much cruft on its pages :)
Yikes there goes my top secret business model. :)
