[Larceny-users] err5rs and srfis
Eduardo Cavazos
2009-02-13 03:30:22 UTC

Is there a way to load srfi 27 while in err5rs mode?
(require 'srfi-0)
(require 'srfi-27)
Not sure how to pull it off in ERR5RS mode.

If not, it seems like a bunch of libraries in the distribution are only
usable in R5RS mode. Is the plan to make ERR5RS mode the "main" mode
eventually? If it's a second class citizen, I'll probably stick with
R5RS mode. However, there appears to be trade offs with that mode as
well... I.e. alot of the nice R6RS libraries seem to be off limits.

It would be great if all the libraries were available to all the modes.
:-) Within reason...

William D Clinger
2009-02-13 04:17:46 UTC
Post by Eduardo Cavazos
Is there a way to load srfi 27 while in err5rs mode?
In the current development system, you'd import
(srfi :27 random-bits), and that's how you'll import
it when v0.97 is released. We expect v0.97 will
provide most of the libraries listed in SRFI 97.

That doesn't work in v0.97b1 and earlier releases,
mainly because we were waiting for SRFI 97 to define
the naming convention. As a temporary workaround,
if you aren't using the development system, you can
download lib/SRFI/srfi/%3a27.sls and rename both the
file and the library [1].
Post by Eduardo Cavazos
If not, it seems like a bunch of libraries in the
distribution are only usable in R5RS mode. Is the
plan to make ERR5RS mode the "main" mode eventually?
I hope an R7RS will remove the need to have three
separate modes in Larceny (or four if you count
Scheme scripts).

ERR5RS is, in my opinion, a model for the R7RS to
emulate. If the R7RS is similar to ERR5RS, then
Larceny will probably be updated to support R7RS
as its main mode.

At this time, however, no one knows what the R7RS
will be like, or even whether there will be an R7RS.
We'll have to see what happens.


[1] https://trac.ccs.neu.edu/trac/larceny/wiki/SvnHttpCheckout
Eduardo Cavazos
2009-02-13 15:53:12 UTC
Post by William D Clinger
Post by Eduardo Cavazos
Is there a way to load srfi 27 while in err5rs mode?
In the current development system, you'd import
(srfi :27 random-bits), and that's how you'll import
it when v0.97 is released. We expect v0.97 will
provide most of the libraries listed in SRFI 97.
Aha... I went ahead and upgraded to the development system.
