Post by Eduardo CavazosI'm interested in finding out where *my* code is spending all it's time.
:-) Is there a profiler for Larceny?
Thank you! This is a big help.
My suspicions have been confirmed. :-)
So what do the numbers mean? There are two tables which are output each
Below are the results of running the profiler on some of my code 4
times. 'hsva' is pretty consistently low in the first table while high
in the second. 'get-modelview-matrix' is middle to high in both tables.
If anybody is curious to see the code being profiled, it's here:
I normally use macros and a nice framework for running cfdg models. The
above is a manual expansion of the macro. Also, the work is actually
done in a procedure which is registered with OpenGL as a callback. So
instead of registering it, I run it explicitly and profile it.
% topmost named procedure
28 run-with-profiling
9 \x1;get-modelview-matrix
8 \x1;double-vector
7 map
7 big-multiply-through-by
5 \x1;gl-flip
5 ffi/apply
4 list->vector
4 \x1;->
4 number-type
2 big*-
2 flonum-check
2 div-and-mod
2 big-divide-digits
2 fixnum->bignum
2 %flonum->bignum
2 big-limited-normalize!
2 expt
1 \x1;hsva
1 dynamic-wind
1 syscall
1 %bignum-length
1 bignum-alloc
% active procedures
100 r5rs-entry-point
100 repl
100 run-with-profiling
22 \x1;hsva
20 %flonum->integer
20 %flonum->bignum
19 \x1;gl-flip
13 \x1;double-vector
13 bignum-quotient
13 big-divide-digits
11 \x1;get-modelview-matrix
8 map
7 big*-
7 big-multiply-through-by
5 ffi/apply
4 \x1;vec
4 list->vector
4 \x1;->
4 number-type
3 div-and-mod
3 fixnum->bignum
3 expt
2 flonum-check
2 big-limited-normalize!
1 dynamic-wind
1 \x1;gl-color
1 syscall
1 %bignum-length
1 bignum-alloc
% topmost named procedure
37 run-with-profiling
9 map
7 big-multiply-through-by
6 \x1;->
5 ffi/apply
5 \x1;double-vector
4 \x1;get-modelview-matrix
4 flonum-check
4 big-divide-digits
3 dynamic-wind
2 \x1;gl-flip
2 big*-
2 list->vector
2 number-type
2 expt
2 \x1;hsva
1 bignum-quotient
1 big-normalize!
1 %bignum-length
1 div-and-mod
1 big-limited-normalize!
1 syscall
1 bignum->fixnum
% active procedures
100 r5rs-entry-point
100 repl
100 run-with-profiling
21 \x1;hsva
19 %flonum->integer
19 %flonum->bignum
15 bignum-quotient
14 big-divide-digits
10 \x1;gl-flip
10 map
8 \x1;double-vector
7 \x1;get-modelview-matrix
7 big-multiply-through-by
6 \x1;->
5 ffi/apply
4 flonum-check
3 big*-
3 dynamic-wind
2 \x1;vec
2 list->vector
2 number-type
2 expt
1 big-normalize!
1 bignum-zero?
1 %bignum-length
1 div-and-mod
1 big-limited-normalize!
1 syscall
1 bignum->fixnum
% topmost named procedure
26 run-with-profiling
9 map
7 \x1;get-modelview-matrix
7 ffi/apply
6 \x1;->
6 big-multiply-through-by
5 \x1;double-vector
5 \x1;gl-flip
4 big-divide-digits
3 flonum-check
3 list->vector
3 number-type
2 big*-
2 div-and-mod
2 fixnum->bignum
2 %bignum-length
2 big-limited-normalize!
2 expt
1 bignum-quotient
1 big-normalize!
1 \x1;hsva
1 syscall
1 bignum->fixnum
1 %flonum->bignum
1 bignum-alloc
% active procedures
100 r5rs-entry-point
100 repl
100 run-with-profiling
25 \x1;hsva
24 %flonum->integer
24 %flonum->bignum
16 bignum-quotient
15 big-divide-digits
14 \x1;gl-flip
12 map
9 \x1;get-modelview-matrix
8 \x1;double-vector
7 ffi/apply
6 \x1;->
6 big-multiply-through-by
5 big*-
3 flonum-check
3 \x1;vec
3 list->vector
3 number-type
3 fixnum->bignum
3 expt
2 div-and-mod
2 %bignum-length
2 big-limited-normalize!
1 big-normalize!
1 bignum-zero?
1 \x1;gl-color
1 syscall
1 bignum->fixnum
1 bignum-alloc
% topmost named procedure
32 run-with-profiling
8 map
7 \x1;double-vector
7 \x1;get-modelview-matrix
6 ffi/apply
6 big-multiply-through-by
5 \x1;gl-flip
4 dynamic-wind
3 number-type
3 list->vector
3 \x1;->
3 fixnum->bignum
3 big-divide-digits
2 big*-
2 %flonum->bignum
2 div-and-mod
1 collect-arguments
1 expt
1 big-limited-normalize!
1 syscall
1 flonum-check
% active procedures
100 r5rs-entry-point
100 repl
100 run-with-profiling
18 \x1;hsva
17 %flonum->integer
17 %flonum->bignum
17 \x1;gl-flip
12 bignum-quotient
12 big-divide-digits
11 \x1;double-vector
11 \x1;get-modelview-matrix
8 map
6 ffi/apply
6 big-multiply-through-by
5 big*-
4 dynamic-wind
3 number-type
3 div-and-mod
3 \x1;vec
3 list->vector
3 \x1;->
3 fixnum->bignum
2 \x1;gl-color
1 collect-arguments
1 expt
1 big-limited-normalize!
1 syscall
1 flonum-check