[Larceny-users] finding libraries
William D Clinger
2008-12-24 02:07:23 UTC
Marco Maggi raised several issues. Here's a brief
report on their status in the current development
version of Larceny:

* the .larceny.sls and .larceny.slfasl hacks are implemented
* library paths can be specified by a LARCENYLIBPATH environment
variable; that environment variable is ignored if the -path
option is used on the command line
* warnings are now turned off in R6RS mode
* error and warning messages are now sent to the current error
port, so they will not pollute a redirected standard output
* SRFI 38 is implemented
* the SRFI 97 naming convention is implemented, and a little
over half of the libraries it lists are implemented (all
through SRFI 42 except for 18 and 21, plus SRFI 59, 60, 66,
and 69)

I think Larceny v0.97 is likely to support all of the
SRFI 97 libraries except for 18, 21, and 46.

As I explained earlier, the R6RS forbids us to use the
SRFI 38 output routine as Larceny's write or put-datum
procedure. We are thinking about possible solutions,
however; see ticket #94 in Larceny's Trac database.

Marco Maggi
2008-12-24 13:15:24 UTC
Here's a brief report on their status
in the current development version of
Larceny: [...]
Thanks for all of this (the website
restyling is also good). In the next
weeks I will try to add support for
Larceny to my infrastructure.

Can I ask for a word on the status of
the FFI? I do not strictly need the
callbacks right now, but can I trust
the callout mechanism and the raw
pokers and peekers?

For the non-Schemers reading this: it
seems that I have successfully built
larceny checkout 5877 with the following
bash script (which requires a binary
distribution of larceny already installed)
on a i686-pc-linux-gnu:

# make-larceny.sh --
set -ex
SCHEME='/opt/larceny/0.97/larceny -r5rs'
echo "
(load \"setup.sch\")
(setup 'scheme: 'larceny 'host: 'linux86 'sassy 'string-rep: 'flat4)
" | ${SCHEME}
echo "(exit)" | ./larceny.bin -stopcopy -- src/Build/iasn-larceny-heap.fasl
echo "(exit)" | ./larceny.bin -stopcopy -- src/Build/iasn-twobit-heap.fasl
cp larceny twobit
echo "
(require 'r6rsmode)
" | ./larceny
### end of file
Marco Maggi

"Now feel the funk blast!"
Rage Against the Machine - "Calm like a bomb"
David Rush
2008-12-24 18:31:40 UTC
Post by Marco Maggi
Can I ask for a word on the status of
the FFI? I do not strictly need the
callbacks right now, but can I trust
the callout mechanism and the raw
pokers and peekers?
Well this falls into the "works for me" category, but it works for me :)

I have a medium-sized framework which makes moderate use of the FFI on
both Win32 and Linux for web and DB connectivity. I also haven't kept
up with the bleeding edge of Larceny development, but the FFI has been
relatively stable for a while now.

GPG Public key at http://cyber-rush.org/drr/gpg-public-key.txt
Felix Klock
2008-12-24 18:57:21 UTC
Post by Marco Maggi
Can I ask for a word on the status of
the FFI? I do not strictly need the
callbacks right now, but can I trust
the callout mechanism and the raw
pokers and peekers?
I think those are all trust-worthy, and their interface is unlikely to

Sorry that I still have not gotten around to providing err5rs-style
libraries for the FFI. I will try to set aside time to do that before
our next release.


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