Marco Maggi
2009-10-04 11:09:27 UTC
I am trying to implement an expansion time feature for my
R6RS libraries; basically it works like this, using
identifier macros:
(define-record-extension <string>
(fields (length string-length #f)
(upcase string-upcase #f)
(dncase string-downcase #f)))
(let ((S "Ciao"))
(with-virtual-fields ((length <string> S))
; => 4
(with-virtual-fields (((upcase dncase) <string> S))
(list upcase dncase))
; => ("CIAO" "ciao"))
I have prepared an archive of test files[1] with everything
in it, which can be downloaded from the "Downloads" page of
As the tests show, the basic feature works when the record
extension is in the same file that makes use of it; but
there is a problem when the extension is defined in a
library ("lib-test-2.sls").
With the test in "test.sps":
(with-virtual-fields ((def <beta> o))
I get the following error:
Syntax violation: invalid reference
No binding available for beta-def-ref in library (...program...)
Form: beta-def-ref
(beta-def-ref the-record)
(lambda (the-record)
((def (identifier-syntax
(_ (beta-def-ref the-record))
((set! _ e) (beta-def-set! the-record e)))))
(with-virtual-fields () (set! def '(90 91)) def)))
((lambda (the-record)
((def (identifier-syntax
(_ (beta-def-ref the-record))
((set! _ e) (beta-def-set! the-record e)))))
(with-virtual-fields () (set! def '(90 91)) def)))
((dummy (lambda (stx)
((_ ?kontext)
(let ((RTD (record-type-descriptor <beta>)))
(((EXPR) (datum->syntax #'?kontext '(o)))
((VAR ...) (datum->syntax #'?kontext '(def)))
`(,(%virtual-field-accessor '<beta> RTD 'def)))
((MUTATOR ...)
`(,(%virtual-field-mutator '<beta> RTD 'def)))
((FORMS ...)
'((with-virtual-fields () (set! def '(90 91)) def)))))
#'(let ((the-record EXPR))
((VAR (identifier-syntax
(_ (ACCESSOR the-record))
((set! _ e) (MUTATOR the-record e))))
(dummy <beta>))
((((def def)) <beta> o))
(with-virtual-fields () (set! def '(90 91)) def))
(((def) <beta> o))
(set! def '(90 91))
(write (with-virtual-fields
(((def) <beta> o))
(set! def '(90 91))
(lambda (o)
(write (with-virtual-fields ((def <beta> o)) def))
(write (with-virtual-fields
(((def) <beta> o))
(set! def '(90 91))
((lambda (o)
(write (with-virtual-fields ((def <beta> o)) def))
(write (with-virtual-fields
(((def) <beta> o))
(set! def '(90 91))
(make <beta> 1 2 3 4 5 6))
Error: no handler for exception #<record &compound-condition>
Compound condition has these components:
#<record &who>
who : "invalid reference"
#<record &message>
message : "No binding available for beta-def-ref in library (...program...)"
#<record &syntax>
form : beta-def-ref
subform : #f
Terminating program execution.
the test fully works with Ikarus and Ypsilon (and probably
it will work with Mosh, too, when Issue 102 is solved); only
Larceny fails, so I understand it is a phasing problem. I
am not able to understand how to change the import
specifications of the libraries to make the code work; I am
still learning how phasing works...
Anyway, in the definition of DEFINE-RECORD-EXTENSION I do:
(datum->syntax #'?kontext '?accessor)
where, IMHO, "?kontext" holds the correct context
informations to make everything work, whatever the context
in which the output form of WITH-VIRTUAL-FIELDS ends up to
What is wrong?
[1] <>
[2] <>
I am trying to implement an expansion time feature for my
R6RS libraries; basically it works like this, using
identifier macros:
(define-record-extension <string>
(fields (length string-length #f)
(upcase string-upcase #f)
(dncase string-downcase #f)))
(let ((S "Ciao"))
(with-virtual-fields ((length <string> S))
; => 4
(with-virtual-fields (((upcase dncase) <string> S))
(list upcase dncase))
; => ("CIAO" "ciao"))
I have prepared an archive of test files[1] with everything
in it, which can be downloaded from the "Downloads" page of
As the tests show, the basic feature works when the record
extension is in the same file that makes use of it; but
there is a problem when the extension is defined in a
library ("lib-test-2.sls").
With the test in "test.sps":
(with-virtual-fields ((def <beta> o))
I get the following error:
Syntax violation: invalid reference
No binding available for beta-def-ref in library (...program...)
Form: beta-def-ref
(beta-def-ref the-record)
(lambda (the-record)
((def (identifier-syntax
(_ (beta-def-ref the-record))
((set! _ e) (beta-def-set! the-record e)))))
(with-virtual-fields () (set! def '(90 91)) def)))
((lambda (the-record)
((def (identifier-syntax
(_ (beta-def-ref the-record))
((set! _ e) (beta-def-set! the-record e)))))
(with-virtual-fields () (set! def '(90 91)) def)))
((dummy (lambda (stx)
((_ ?kontext)
(let ((RTD (record-type-descriptor <beta>)))
(((EXPR) (datum->syntax #'?kontext '(o)))
((VAR ...) (datum->syntax #'?kontext '(def)))
`(,(%virtual-field-accessor '<beta> RTD 'def)))
((MUTATOR ...)
`(,(%virtual-field-mutator '<beta> RTD 'def)))
((FORMS ...)
'((with-virtual-fields () (set! def '(90 91)) def)))))
#'(let ((the-record EXPR))
((VAR (identifier-syntax
(_ (ACCESSOR the-record))
((set! _ e) (MUTATOR the-record e))))
(dummy <beta>))
((((def def)) <beta> o))
(with-virtual-fields () (set! def '(90 91)) def))
(((def) <beta> o))
(set! def '(90 91))
(write (with-virtual-fields
(((def) <beta> o))
(set! def '(90 91))
(lambda (o)
(write (with-virtual-fields ((def <beta> o)) def))
(write (with-virtual-fields
(((def) <beta> o))
(set! def '(90 91))
((lambda (o)
(write (with-virtual-fields ((def <beta> o)) def))
(write (with-virtual-fields
(((def) <beta> o))
(set! def '(90 91))
(make <beta> 1 2 3 4 5 6))
Error: no handler for exception #<record &compound-condition>
Compound condition has these components:
#<record &who>
who : "invalid reference"
#<record &message>
message : "No binding available for beta-def-ref in library (...program...)"
#<record &syntax>
form : beta-def-ref
subform : #f
Terminating program execution.
the test fully works with Ikarus and Ypsilon (and probably
it will work with Mosh, too, when Issue 102 is solved); only
Larceny fails, so I understand it is a phasing problem. I
am not able to understand how to change the import
specifications of the libraries to make the code work; I am
still learning how phasing works...
Anyway, in the definition of DEFINE-RECORD-EXTENSION I do:
(datum->syntax #'?kontext '?accessor)
where, IMHO, "?kontext" holds the correct context
informations to make everything work, whatever the context
in which the output form of WITH-VIRTUAL-FIELDS ends up to
What is wrong?
[1] <>
[2] <>
Marco Maggi
Marco Maggi