[Larceny-users] quote-like form
David Van Horn
2009-09-19 14:00:03 UTC
Suppose I define a cons-like structure and I want to provide a form that
is like quote, but produces my cons-like things when it quotes syntactic
pairs. In particular, I need the form to respect the eq?-ness
requirements on quoted pairs, so that:

(define (f) '(x))
(eq? (f) (f)) => #t

I wonder if someone could sketch how to do this in Larceny?

Felix Klock
2009-09-19 16:37:48 UTC
Post by David Van Horn
Suppose I define a cons-like structure and I want to provide a form that
is like quote, but produces my cons-like things when it quotes
pairs. In particular, I need the form to respect the eq?-ness
(define (f) '(x))
(eq? (f) (f)) => #t
Can you make clearer which requirements you are trying to respect? I
do not think you are referring to a requirement of R5RS, since it says
that "implementations are permitted, though not required, to share
structure between constants where appropriate."

E.g. do you also want your form to behave like the below two cases?

Larceny v0.97 "Funny in the Head" (Aug 19 2009 04:24:46,
larceny.heap, built on Wed Aug 19 04:26:48 EDT 2009
Post by David Van Horn
(define (g) (list '(x) '(x)))
(eq? (car (g)) (cadr (g)))
Post by David Van Horn
(define (h) '((x) (x)))
(eq? (car (h)) (cadr (h)))

David Van Horn
2009-09-19 16:47:41 UTC
Can you make clearer which requirements you are trying to respect? I do
not think you are referring to a requirement of R5RS, since it says that
"implementations are permitted, though not required, to share structure
between constants where appropriate."
I believe this language is to allow syntactically distinct but identical
quoted constants to potentially be eq?. For example,

(define (f) '(1 2 3))
(define (g) '(1 2 3))

It is allowed that (eq? (f) (g)).

On the other hand, (eq? (f) (f)) must return true since (f) evaluates to
the same syntactic occurrence of a quoted constant.
E.g. do you also want your form to behave like the below two cases?
Larceny v0.97 "Funny in the Head" (Aug 19 2009 04:24:46,
larceny.heap, built on Wed Aug 19 04:26:48 EDT 2009
Post by David Van Horn
(define (g) (list '(x) '(x)))
(eq? (car (g)) (cadr (g)))
This is taking advantage of the possibility mentioned above.

I am interested in the requirement that anything which evaluates to the
same occurrence of a quoted pair is the same.

Lynn Winebarger
2009-09-19 22:46:45 UTC
Post by David Van Horn
Can you make clearer which requirements you are trying to respect?  I do
not think you are referring to a requirement of R5RS, since it says that
"implementations are permitted, though not required, to share structure
between constants where appropriate."
I believe this language is to allow syntactically distinct but identical
quoted constants to potentially be eq?.  For example,
(define (f) '(1 2 3))
(define (g) '(1 2 3))
It is allowed that (eq? (f) (g)).
Absolutely. Side effecting quoted structures can lead to mysterious
consequences. Even
(define (f x) `(,x 1 2 3))
(define (g x) `(,x 4 2 3))
(eq? (cddr (f 10)) (cddr (g 'z))) ==> #t
is allowed.


2009-09-19 16:42:16 UTC
Post by David Van Horn
Suppose I define a cons-like structure and I want to provide a form that
is like quote, but produces my cons-like things when it quotes syntactic
pairs. In particular, I need the form to respect the eq?-ness
(define (f) '(x))
(eq? (f) (f)) => #t
I wonder if someone could sketch how to do this in Larceny?
To do this in R6 Scheme, you have to rely on libraries being
invoked only once, which is not a portable assumption.

Please note the comment about the all-in-one-file bug in Larceny
v0.97. I didn't know about that bug until I tested this code.


;;; The following code would not work in implementations that
;;; invoke libraries multiple times.
;;; Larceny is supposed to invoke libraries only once.
;;; In Larceny v0.97, however, a bug causes the libraries to be
;;; invoked twice if they're in the same file with the top-level
;;; program. The following code appears to work in Larceny v0.97
;;; so long as the top-level program is not in the same file as
;;; the libraries.

(library (mycons auxiliary)

(export mycons mycar mycdr ; used by clients of (mycons)
new-label-for fetch-labelled-thing) ; used only by myquote

(import (rnrs base)
(rnrs hashtables))

(define label-counter 0) ; largest label in use

(define label-table ; maps labels to things
(make-hashtable (lambda (x) x) =))

(define (new-label-for y)
(set! label-counter (+ 1 label-counter))
(hashtable-set! label-table label-counter (make-thing y))

(define (fetch-labelled-thing label)
(hashtable-ref label-table label 'this-never-matters))

; For this example, the things are just vectors.

(define (make-thing y)
(list->vector y))

(define (mycons x y)
(list->vector (cons x (vector->list y))))

(define (mycar x)
(vector-ref x 0))

(define (mycdr x)
(list->vector (cdr (vector->list x))))

) ; end of (mycons auxiliary)

(library (mycons)

(export myquote mycons mycar mycdr)

(import (for (rnrs base) run expand)
(for (rnrs syntax-case) expand)
(for (mycons auxiliary) run expand))

(define-syntax myquote
(lambda (x0)
(syntax-case x0 ()
((_ x)
(let* ((y (syntax->datum #'x))
(label (new-label-for y)))
#`(fetch-labelled-thing #,label))))))

) ; end of (mycons)

;;; For Larceny v0.97, this top-level program has to be
;;; in a separate file. That's a bug.

(import (rnrs base)
(rnrs io simple)

(define (f) (myquote (a b c)))

(define thing0 (myquote ()))

(define thing1 (myquote (a b c)))

(define thing2 (f))

(define thing3 (f))

(write (list thing0 thing1 thing2 thing3))

(write (list (mycar thing1) (mycdr thing1)))

(write (list (eq? thing1 thing1)
(eq? thing1 thing2)
(eq? thing1 thing3)
(eq? thing2 thing2)
(eq? thing2 thing3)
(eq? thing3 thing3)))

;;; end of top-level test program
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