[Larceny-users] FFI tests not loading
Patrick Pippen
2011-01-14 13:58:33 UTC
Good Day,
I've been trying to get larceny to run some of the tests that come
with it in the test directory. Mainly the FFI ones but it seems I am missing
ffi-load.sch and test.sch. Where can I get those files?
2011-01-16 19:36:29 UTC
Post by Patrick Pippen
I've been trying to get larceny to run some of the tests that come
with it in the test directory. Mainly the FFI ones but it seems I am missing
ffi-load.sch and test.sch. Where can I get those files?
The test directory should be part of the source distribution:

The test directory isn't part of the binary distributions
because it's fairly big and poorly documented.

test.sch is in the test/Lib directory, although you might
be referring to a different file with the same name.

ffi-load is in lib/Ffi, which is part of both binary and
source distributions.


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